One Little Girl
From Italy to Canada
Giulia Mastrantoni

Buongiorno lettori,
oggi segnalo un romanzo breve in lingua inglese: One Little Girl – From Italy to Canada di Giulia Mastrantoni,.

Giulia Mastrantoni was born in Italy in 1993. She has a Master’s Degree in Languages and she has been travelling the world since she was 14. She loves reading, making plans and dogs. And yes, she has a passion for weird stories.

Genere: romanzo Fiction, Young adult
Editore: Genesis Publishing
Data di pubblicazione: 11 settembre 2017
Numero pagine: 100

Have you ever dreamt of becoming a star? Of course you have, every teenager has. But what if you were born in some very small Italian city and wanted to escape? This is the story of ‘Her’, a female character whose identity will be revealed at the end of the book. She has been dreaming of escaping her own life thanks to music, but daydreamers need concreatness in order to achieve their goals…

A story featuring Avril Lavigne’s music and Canadian backgrounds.


Un libro dalla bellissima copertina… voi lo leggerete?

Buona lettura!